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Mobile App

Education for ALL means reaching people wherever they are! What better way to do that than a mobile app!

The final group project for IDT 7170, Mobile Learning, required my group to design and create a mobile learning platform.


So we designed and created ASLingo!


This app was created to not only help teach people American Sign Language, but to help the ASL community connect and grow.


The app was designed while keeping Cognitive Load, Adult Learning Principles, and Constructivism in mind.


Education for ALL means not only helping all different kinds of learners, but also meeting learners where they are. In todays world there is no better way to reach more people than by using an app! Not only does this app help reach as many people as possible, it also serves a community of people who may not currently have a place to grow, connect, and learn.


This activity helped me learn a new technology, InVision, but also helped me understand more about wireframing, designing, and working with a team. Overall the experience and knowledge I gained from this activity and class was invaluable.

To learn more you can view our final presentation below.

Try the app by using the interactive window below!

Alexander Vinolus

Education for Life

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